Dedusting and Deacidification

Baghouse filters

Nuova Impianti manufactures modular cells filters, which grant a capacity up to 250.000 m3/h. 

The cleaning-sleeves system is automatic by using either compressed air or forced air in countercurrent compared to the normal flow, in order to drastically reduces the power consumption for the cleaning of the filtering sleeves.

The filtering sleeves can reach lengths of 6 m.

Some advantages of our filters:

  • Customized solutions through a process-oriented design
  • Low differential pressure of the plant thanks to a Fluid Dynamic study (CFD) of the optimized distribution of dust and gas
  • Long filter media service life thanks to uniform cleaning
  • Operating temperature up to 260 °C
  • Pressure surge-resistant design even in ATEX atmospheres

Cartridge filters

They allow to inhale and to clear away dry and fine dust with very fine particle-size analysis (less than 5 mg/Nm3).

Nuova Impianti manufactures modular cells filters realized in galvanized sheet, which grant a capacity up to 200.000 m3/h. The cleaning system is compressed air. 

They have the advantage, compared to the previous ones, to reduce very much the overall dimensions; so more compact structures and easy maintenance.

Cyclone and multi-cyclone

They allow to separate dust with big particle-size analysis (up to 150 mg/Nm3). 

These systems can also be used as pre-selectors on sleeves filters in order to improve the removal efficiency and to reduce its maintenance.

Nuova Impianti manufactures cyclones, whose capacities reach 80.000 m3/h. 

However, it is possible to reach higher capacities if the solution of cyclones in parallel is chosen.

Dry and semidry reactors​

Nuova Impianti has specialized over the last few years in the supply of dry and semidry reactors which contribute to the re­duc­tion of acidic pol­lu­tants (HF, HCL, SOx) us­ing ad­di­tives based on Ca (cal­cium) or Na (sodium).

We have developed products that lead to the minimization of compounds such as PCDD / F (dioxins and furans), Hg (mercury) and other pollutants thanks to the dosage of activated carbon.

The reactors of our conception are designed in order to give a residence time of the gas suitable for the removal efficiencies required by the Customer.

Cru­cial fac­tors when se­lect­ing the ap­pro­pri­ate pro­ce­dure and sor­bents are:

  • Process and flue gas parameters such as temperature, moisture and pollutant concentrations
  • Current and potential future separation output
  • Sorbent costs

Electrostatic precipitators​

Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are mainly used for cleaning combustion gases. 

They have the advantage of obtaining a high degree of separation, even with fine powder, and of having low operating costs and low maintenance costs. Nuova Impianti can also convert ESP: we can use the external casing and some parts by transforming the system into a bag filter or a hybrid filter. The retrofit, upgrade and conversion solutions are all solutions with lower CAPEX.

Some advantages of our electrofilters:

  • Customized solutions through process-oriented design
  • Low system differential pressure obtained thanks to a fluid dynamic study (by CFD) of the optimized distribution of dust and gas
  • Operating temperatures up to 300 °C